He is the smartest of three.

*Note the volume of the sounds.
例2: famous → most famous / beautiful → most beautiful / popular → most popular
例3: good → best / bad → worst / many → most / much → most
- 肯定文最上級の例文1. 英語フレーズ「・・・の中で(主語)が最も~だ」
- 主語+動詞+the+最上級+(of+名詞/in+名詞)
- 否定文最上級の例文2. 英語フレーズ「・・・の中で(主語)が最も~ではない」
- 主語 + ((be)動詞 not) + the + 最上級 + (of+名詞/in+名詞)
You aren’t smartest of us. | あなたは私たちの中で一番賢くはありません。 |
- 疑問文最上級の例文3. 英語フレーズ「・・・の中で(主語)が最も~ですか?」
- (be/Do/Does) + 主語 + the + 最上級 + (of+名詞/in+名詞)
Is he run the fastest in his class? | 彼はクラスの中で一番早く走れますか? |
I have been to Europe.
I have been working for 10 years
How long have you been studying Enlgish?
I am younger than you.
He is the smartest of three.
He is as tall as me.
You're a musician, aren't you?
He stopped to drink coffee.
I bought a book to study English.
I go to school to study English.
She stopped smoking.
I'm invited to the party by Tom.
I have a friend who is from U.S.A.
I know that girl whose name is Nancy.
He is the person whom I respect the most.
I have a book which is about Japanese history.
They are the people that want to buy our house.
This is what I wanted.
This is the park where I met her.
I still remember the day when I met her.
That is (the reason) why I fall in love with her.
This is (the way) how I became her boyfriend.